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Elliott Brown History & heritage
10 Sep 2023 - Elliott Brown

A visit to the West Midlands Police Museum on 999 Day

Thanks to Igers Birmingham UK organised a visit to the West Midlands Police Museum on 9am on the 9th September 2023. The former Victorian Lock-up on Steelhouse Lane. Three floors with former cells, and objects from the polices history, even going back to the Birmingham City Police days. Even as far back as Robert Peel in the late 1820s!

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A visit to the West Midlands Police Museum on 999 Day

Thanks to Igers Birmingham UK organised a visit to the West Midlands Police Museum on 9am on the 9th September 2023. The former Victorian Lock-up on Steelhouse Lane. Three floors with former cells, and objects from the polices history, even going back to the Birmingham City Police days. Even as far back as Robert Peel in the late 1820s!

The West Midlands Police Museum is located on Steelhouse Lane, next to Coleridge Passage in the former Victorian Lock-up, which opened in 1891. It was in use until 2016. Was between the now former Steelhouse Lane Police Station and the Victoria Law Courts. Prisoners would be kept here overnight before going on trial at the court next door.

The museum moved here in 2020, and was fully open by 2022.

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Entrance hallway

Just on the way into the museum was this mural next to the bars and gate that leads into the museum reception. Was also a flag up for Emergency Services Day aka 999 Day.

Igers Birmingham UK group photo on Instagram

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Visitor reception

On an ordinary visit, you would probably buy your tickets from the desk here. Various old Police Station objects in here including a sign formerly at Shard End Police Station!

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Cell blocks

The ground floor cell block. You can go into some of the cells, the staircase in the middle was out of use, but there was two sets of modern staircases to the left and right that you could use, as well as a new lift.

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The basement cell blocks. There was a Mounted Branch horse in front of the out of use stairs. You could get refreshments down here if you wanted them, just ask the staff.

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On the first floor cell blocks, there was a couple of old West Midlands Police Norton motorcycles, plus a Police Box.

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Police transport

The Mounted Branch existed in Birmingham and parts of the wider West Midlands from 1923 to 1999, when the unit was disbanded. Police horses were used for ceremonial duties, but to also for crowd control.

The was horse seen on the basement floor.

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When the West Midlands County Council existed, the West Midlands Police had these Norton motorcycles during the 1980s.

A couple of Norton Police motorcycles on the first floor.

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Police Box

No The Doctor has not visited Steelhouse Lane in his TARDIS, anyway this Police Box is not bigger on the inside! There was a telephone inside, and a stool to sit on if you needed to call the police. They were used in the 1920s. They were phased out by the 1960s and 1970s following the introduction of personal radios.

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In the cells

Ground floor cells

The Birmingham Black List and a Day in the Life. 

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First Aid. 

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Birching and Capital Punishment. Death Mask, Birching Rod, Cat o Nine Tails an a Birching Stool.

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Basement floor cells

Police Dogs

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DNA Discovery is it human and DNA Sample matching.

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CID Office. Evidence Board with a desk and typewriter. The map of the City of Birmingham as it was in 1899.

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First floor cells

Roll of Honour. In memory of those police officers who lost their lives during the Second World War (1939 - 1945).

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Locked up with the Peaky Blinders. Was a razer sharp peaky cap on the bench.

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Road safety in action

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Police history

Female office uniform 1930s and Traffic tunic 1930s

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Helmet plates from Birmingham City Police and Walsall Borough Police. A cap badge from Wolverhampton Borough Police. Also handcuffs and other objects.

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A top hat, police rattle and police whistle.

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A telegram from David Lloyd George MP, which he left in his coat which he switched with a police officer during the Birmingham Riots of 1901, following his speech at Birmingham Town Hall (more objects to this can be found at the David Lloyd George Museum in Wales). Also a tea cup and saucer, Birmingham Workhouse coin and Walsall anarchist bomb.

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A stop sign, stopwatch and other objects.

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Marble bust of Robert Peel who founded the first Metropolitan Police force in 1829. He was MP for Tamworth, his statue is currently on the Pershore Road outside the Tally Ho! facility of West Midlands Police in Edgbaston.

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Photos by Elliott Brown

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Elliott Brown Rivers, lakes & canals
06 Sep 2023 - Elliott Brown

Soho Loop Part 2: Asylum Bridge to Winson Green Junction

On the 31st August 2023, I got the 82 bus to Dudley Road to complete the Soho Loop in Winson Green. Ended up returning via Norman Street Park and rejoining at the Asylum Bridge. Just a short walk to the end of the Soho Loop to Winson Green Junction. That towpath closed on the BCN Mainline to the Winson Green Bridge was open again, it's been tarmaced.

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Soho Loop Part 2: Asylum Bridge to Winson Green Junction

On the 31st August 2023, I got the 82 bus to Dudley Road to complete the Soho Loop in Winson Green. Ended up returning via Norman Street Park and rejoining at the Asylum Bridge. Just a short walk to the end of the Soho Loop to Winson Green Junction. That towpath closed on the BCN Mainline to the Winson Green Bridge was open again, it's been tarmaced.

For part 1 follow this link to the post Soho Loop walk on the BCN Old Mainline

From the Costa Coffee at Utilita Arena Birmingham, I walked to the bus stop on Summer Hill Road, waiting for an 87, bus an 82 came first, so caught it up Spring Hill to Dudley Road. Got off and crossed over near City Hospital, then walked up towards Norman Street Park, and got on at the Asylum Bridge, just over a month since I left the Soho Loop in July 2023.


The Asylum Bridge

The Asylum Bridge is on the Revolution Walk from the Canal & River Trust.
Nearby was a Madhouse, Badhouse and the Workhouse. The Birmingham Union Workhouse and Infirmary was there from 1834, but by 1889 had space for over 2000 inmates. This is now part of Birmingham City Hospital.
Also here was the Borough Lunatic Asylum and Fever Hospital, from the 19th century. This is now the site of Birmingham Prison.

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Winson Green Prison Bridge and Winson Green Bridge (Soho Loop)

The next bridge is the Winson Green Prison Bridge, which you walk over, followed by the Winson Green Bridge (Soho Loop) which you walk under. This is as close as you get to Birmingham Prison, but you hardly notice it walking past.

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Winson Green Bridge (Soho Loop)

There is two bridges named Winson Green Bridge. This one is on the Soho Loop of the BCN Old Mainline. The other one is much higher crossing the BCN New Mainline. This is the last road bridge.

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Winson Green Railway Bridge

Next up is the Winson Green Railway Bridge. Behind you can see the yet to open Midland Metropolitan Hospital. When it opens in 2024, parts of City Hospital in Winson Green will close, and the site will be developed for housing.

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Winson Green Junction Bridge 

The end of the Soho Loop at Winson Green Junction and you get to the Winson Green Junction Bridge. The bridge is Grade II listed and is a Horseley type cast-iron roving bridge dating to 1828.

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Winson Green Roving Bridge

Leaving the Soho Loop at Winson Green Junction, you leave the Old Mainline for the New Mainline. The Winson Green Roving Bridge dates to 1828, and is a Winson Green Roving Bridge is a Horseley type cast-iron roving bridge dating to 1828.

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Winson Green Junction

Since my last visit to the canals here, the towpath between Winson Green Roving Bridge and the Winson Green Bridge (Winson Green Road) has been reopened. Last time it was closed for resurfacing works. The Winson Green Junction Bridge is to the left and the northern end of the Soho Loop.

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View from the Winson Green Bridge

A look from Winson Green Road, on the Winson Green Bridge towards Winson Green Junction. From here, the Soho Loop starts to the right under the Winson Green Junction Bridge, while the BCN New Mainline continues north west towards Wolverhampton under the Winson Green Roving Bridge.

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Winson Green Road has bus stops for the 11A and 11C. If getting the 11C, it would take you towards Erdington. From the 11A, you can go towards Bearwood, Harborne, Selly Oak, Bournville etc.

You need the Dudley Road for the 82 or 87 bus routes.


Photos by Elliott Brown

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Elliott Brown Environment & green action
06 Sep 2023 - Elliott Brown

Jack's visit to the Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Park in August 2023

In August 2023, Jack Babington with Nechells POD visited the Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Park on the Pershore Road in Edgbaston, Birmingham.

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Jack's visit to the Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Park in August 2023

In August 2023, Jack Babington with Nechells POD visited the Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Park on the Pershore Road in Edgbaston, Birmingham.

The main entrance to the Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Park

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The map and location of all the animals in the Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Park

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Bell's dabb lizard

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Chinese crocodile lizard

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Ring-tailed Lemur

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Goeldi's marmoset

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Blue crane

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Varanus kordensis

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Photography by Jack Babington

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Elliott Brown Transport
29 Aug 2023 - Elliott Brown

Eurovision Liverpool 2023 - London Northwestern Railway 350104 between Wolverhampton and Birmingham New Street

For months I've been aware of a London Northwestern Railway Class 350 Desiro with a special Eurovision Song Contest United Kingdom Liverpool 2023 livery. I was at Wolverhampton Station waiting for a train back to Birmingham New Street Station on the August Bank Holiday Monday 28th August 2023, when the train arrived from Liverpool Lime Street. I sat in the one at the back.

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Eurovision Liverpool 2023 - London Northwestern Railway 350104 between Wolverhampton and Birmingham New Street

For months I've been aware of a London Northwestern Railway Class 350 Desiro with a special Eurovision Song Contest United Kingdom Liverpool 2023 livery. I was at Wolverhampton Station waiting for a train back to Birmingham New Street Station on the August Bank Holiday Monday 28th August 2023, when the train arrived from Liverpool Lime Street. I sat in the one at the back.

Yes it was disappointing that Birmingham didn't win the rights this time to host the Eurovision Song Contest on behalf of Ukraine, that honour went to Liverpool. You might remember that 25 years ago, Birmingham was the host for the Eurovision Song Contest: United Kingdom - Birmingham 1998, at the National Indoor Arena.

Had Birmingham won the right to host it in 2023, it would have gone to the Resorts World Arena at the NEC, but it wasn't to be.


In May 2023, ahead of Eurovison in Liverpool, London Northwestern Railway (the brand name for West Midlands Trains between London Euston, Birmingham New Street, Crewe and Liverpool Lime Street), unveiled a special yellow livery on 350104.

The branding has BBC, Eurovision Song Contest, Ukraine and United by Music all over the four carriage set.


I was waiting at platform 2 at Wolverhampton Station, after my visit to Wolverhampton Art Gallery (on the August Bank Holiday Monday), as the Liverpool Lime Street to Birmingham New Street train arrived in Liverpool livery! As well as the Eurovision 2023 train, the one behind had Liverpool John Lennon Airport on it (I sat in a carriage on that one at the back).

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After waiting in a tunnel waiting for a platform, at a signal (I was still in the Liverpool John Lennon Airport train), the train headed to platform 5 at Birmingham New Street Station. I headed down the platform for some more views at the A end of the platform. I was unable to get a photo of the Liverpool John Lennon Airport livery on the other train (which I had got off). As was so many passengers getting off with the luggage.

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Photography by Elliott Brown

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Elliott Brown Art; Culture & creativity
28 Aug 2023 - Elliott Brown

Young Advocates Stage part of Birmingham Weekender seen at the Bullring

I didn't have time on Sunday 27th August 2023 to stick around for the Birmingham Weekender dances, but had a bit of time to pop up to the Costa at Next at the Bullring. Saw the Young Advocates Stage group waiting behind the stage in Rotunda Square, before noon. Interesting looking costumes.

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Young Advocates Stage part of Birmingham Weekender seen at the Bullring

I didn't have time on Sunday 27th August 2023 to stick around for the Birmingham Weekender dances, but had a bit of time to pop up to the Costa at Next at the Bullring. Saw the Young Advocates Stage group waiting behind the stage in Rotunda Square, before noon. Interesting looking costumes.

Birmingham Weekender returned again over the August Bank Holiday weekend, 26th and 27th August 2023.

I almost thought I'd miss seeing it, as was unable to come up on Saturday, but had free time on Sunday morning. And I got to Rotunda Square to see a group in interesting looking costumes, and popped up to Costa Coffee in Next for some views over coffee.

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Young Advocates Stage are young ladies aged between 14 and 22, and they had these green leaf outfits on.

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Best views from Costa at Next above.

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From Costa, I spotted some in zebra and deer costumes.

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They were waiting outside Nationwide and Sunglass Hut.

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Photography by Elliott Brown

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